Site Progress - Replacement Dwelling Harrogate
The stone plinth is now complete and looks great. The timber frame at first floor level is also complete and ready to be clad in a standing seam Pigmento Brown Zinc by VMZinc. When walking round the dwelling we now get a feeling of the impressive double height and vaulted spaces with equally impressive views out over the surrounding countryside. M&E first fix is progressing well. Next job is the window installation.
Project Progress - Replacement Dwelling North Yorkshire
Work is well underway on this replacement dwelling scheme on the outskirts of Harrogate. The steelwork is now complete and the first floor is in place meaning the timber frame which forms the first floor walls and roof is well under way. This starts to give an impression of the final form of the building, which we are very happy with. The fully glazed gables will look rather special once complete.